Innovative technologies for your logistics

Speed, flexibility, transparency… these are basic technological attributes that significantly influence the level of logistics and the subsequent customer experience.


While software ensures the quality of data transfer, hardware makes work easier and replaces human power, especially in routine and repetitive warehouse activities.

Find out what technological innovations we offer our clients for a mutually satisfying cooperation.

Warehouse management system (WMS)

Skladon fulfillment: IT roadmap
Ikona hodiny
Speed and control of development

Our in-house IT team is responsible for the development of transactions and thus knows the individual warehouse operations in detail. Through open access to the interface, we are able to develop requirements autonomously and quickly – we are not dependent on the capacity of the solution provider. We then test the correctness of the deployed updates directly in our distribution center.

Ikona personalizace
Customization of processes

We provide our clients with fulfillment tailored to their logistics needs. Therefore, in addition to our strategic development, we also take into account their business specifics and wishes when developing IT transactions.

Ikona checklist

When working with the warehouse management system, we collect data for (backward) reporting. Our clients are thus informed online about the current activities in the warehouse, or we use the collected data to measure the productivity of our employees.

Ikona oko
Digital twin

A visual demonstration of the physical warehouse in digital form – that’s how the digital twin technology can be briefly introduced. This tool provides us with complete information on the flow of goods, both historically and in real time. In practice, we use it, for example, to verify stock at the level of each client, to review picking or storing optimal routes, ABC analysis, to check the capacities of packing tables or dispatch.

Ikona nastavení
Technologies implementation

Thanks to our full access, we are able to implement the purchased robotics, automation and other warehouse technologies into the warehouse system… by our own and directly into the developed transactions, thus offering our clients higher efficiency in handling their goods.

Ikona uložit
Data security

We back up data from the warehouse management system to cloud storage, eliminating the risk of loss or leakage of sensitive information.

MySkladon client application

During onboarding, each of our clients gets access to the MySkladon application, which offers them a complete overview of the current status of their orders, inventory, receipts, returns and complaints.

Ikona monitor
Data availability
Data availability

Logistics information is available online, 24/7, in real time and on any device with an internet connection. The user thus has unlimited access to up-to-date warehouse activity and reporting.

Ikona palec nahoru
User friendliness
User friendliness

The application has been designed to meet the latest technical requirements in the warehouse management area. We also continuously collect feedbacks from our clients to further improve the application to meet their needs.

Ikona komunikace
Customer care
Customer care

The application serves as a communication channel in solving operational logistics and IT requirements as well. Directly between the client representative and our customer care department.

MySkladon: client app

Our warehouse robotics and automation

Skladon fulfillment: Airrob robotizované pracoviště
Ikona: Police
Airrob storage system

For storage and picking of small products we have a separate Airrob storage system supplied by Sluno. The picking robots thus automatically pick and transport the products to the final station, from which the products are delivered to the near packing tables.

Ikona: Robot
Autonomous robot

Zebra’s Freight100 autonomous robot operates to transport picked orders from the shelves to the packing tables in our distribution center. This gives warehouse staff the space to continue picking goods without wasting time moving them to following workstations.

Ikona: Paleta
Robot for pallet transport

We use an autonomous pallet transport robot to handle part of the routine goods receiving processes and to transport packed B2C orders to the dispatch point, thereby increasing productivity.

Ikona: EAN kód
Cubiscan scanner

With this 3D scanner we capture the dimensions, weight and volume of our clients’ stored products. We are thus able to systematically optimise their storage, packaging or dispatch. Thanks to the automatic transfer of the data to our system, the clients themselves can also access it within their MySkladon application.

Ikona: vozík
VNA trolleys

Semi-automatic VNA trolleys make it easier and faster for our warehouse operators to pick and store goods in pallet positions. Thanks to the implementation of these forklifts, whose accuracy and safety of movement is ensured by inductive guiding, we were able to increase the capacity of the pallet racks by 40%.

Ikona krabice
B2B technologies

For the efficient processing of our clients’ B2B orders, we have the appropriate equipment such as strapping machines, stretch wrapping machines, industrial scales and much more.

Selling via marketplaces

Skladon fulfillment: Komunikace při analýze
Ikona lupy
Brand and product potential analysis

With our business partner Marketwave, we will provide you with a complete brand analysis and sales potential of your products free of charge. Check the suitability of marketplaces for your products.

Ikona link
BaseLinker connection

Thanks to the developed integration to the BaseLinker platform, we are able to offer you a connection to 200+ online marketplaces. Start expanding into new foreign markets with us with minimal effort.

Ikona spolupráce
SLA compliance

Thanks to our warehouse and personnel flexibility, we are ready to meet the defined logistics service level agreement (SLA) of the chosen online marketplace. So you don’t have to worry about your account being blocked on the marketplaces platform.

Ikona: Štítek na produktu
Packaging standards and labelling

Individual marketplaces have special requirements for packaging and labelling of shipments in order to ensure smooth receipt of goods in their warehouse and subsequent handling. We have experience with packing B2B orders on according to FBA standards, for shipping to we mark packages with SSCC codes and more.

Ikona nákladní vozidlo
Fast international shipping

Thanks to the strategic location of our distribution center close to the borders, cooperation with local carriers in the final destinations or direct cross-border transport lines (line hauls), we are able to deliver our clients’ orders in above-standard times. All this at a lower price thanks to the accumulation of other clients’ orders.

Ikona recyklace
Reverse logistics

As part of our marketplaces services, we also handle reverse logistics – returns and claims. For our clients’ orders, we have set up a return address with the carriers to the distribution center in Mosnov, where shipments are then delivered in regular batches for processing.

Ikona palec nahoru
Partner for foreign expansion

With established infrastructure, developed integrations, customized warehouse processes, or warehouse and staff capacities, we are your logistics partner to help you with expansion and the associated increase in international orders.

Other integrations

As a technology fulfillment partner, our clients can use a number of integrations to third-party software to further grow their business.

Ikona monitor
E-shop platforms
E-shop platforms

To ensure mutual data transfer between the client’s and our systems, we have developed applications and add-ons for the most common online stores platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Shoptet, Upgates, PrestaShop, WordPress and others. We also have API documentation available, which we use when connecting complex ERP systems tailored to the client’s needs.

Ikona nákladní vozidlo

We cooperate with more than 20 courier companies and carriers specializing in pallet transport. Thanks to the developed integrations, our client and its customers have a constant overview of the status of their order – from its creation to the final delivery. Lower shipping costs, COD accounts in the required currencies or customs clearance are a matter of course.

Ikona omnichannel
Other e-commerce solutions
Other e-commerce solutions

Are you planning to expand abroad? Do you want to optimize your order return process? Or are you looking for a fulfillment partner with the ability to connect to accounting systems? Choose from our integrations that will be useful in further developing your business.

Frequently asked questions

How do you react to the increase in orders and sales peaks of your clients?

We flexibly increase our team of full-time employees with agency workers, where we primarily choose from already trained ones. If necessary, we implement multi-shift operation, weekend shifts or paid overtime. Individual workstations and warehouse processes are set up for multiple increases.

How long does it take to connect to the Skladon system?

The duration depends on the type of platform of your online store and the intensity of work in connecting the systems according to our instructions. The optimal time frame is between 1 – 3 weeks. We have plugins and add-ons available for the most common solutions like Shopify, WooCommerce, Upgates and others where the connection takes within lower units of days.

How are services priced?

Upon receipt of your inquiry, a sales representative will contact you within 48 working hours. He will discuss your specific needs with you and prepare a tailored quotation.

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