Skladon and sustainability in fulfillment

Due to the individual approach to our clients, the increasing demands not only from end customers for sustainable matters, but also from our own responsibility towards the environment, we at Skladon strive to find environmentally friendly and functional solutions.


Our activities are reflected in our internal operations as well as in establishing collaborations with external business partners. Below, we offer examples from our daily practice that are now well established.

Skladon: ekologie

Ecological packaging material

Skladon fulfillment: balení zboží
Ikona krabice
Testliner vs. kraftliner

Thanks to the stable temperature and humidity levels in our distribution center, we are able to offer our clients the option of using cardboard and paperboard products from a more environmentally friendly testliner. This material is, compared to krafliner, a cheaper option, 100% made from recycled paper and also recyclable again.

Ikona vratka
Packaging recycling

During the logistics processes in our distribution center, we continuously check the condition of used packaging. If the quality is appropriate, we offer our clients the possibility of reusing them, both for storage and handling purposes and for shipping their orders. In addition to the positive impact on the ecology, we are able to ensure cost savings in the packaging management in this way.

Ikona ekologie
Compostable bags

Our packaging portfolio also includes fully compostable plastic bags made from potato and corn starches. They are made from renewable resources, can decompose 100%, and yet are comparably durable to the hard-to-degrade.

Ikona žárovka
Packaging with 2 adhesive strips

We offer our clients in segments with higher return rates, such as fashion or footwear, packaging material with 2 adhesive strips – cardboard, paper and plastic. The end customer can thus use it immediately for the return of unsuitable goods.

Ikona krabice
Returnable packaging

For clients with their own and regular pickup of goods to brick-and-mortar stores, we can provide plastic crates for internal circulation. These returnable crates with lids replace cardboard boxes and are used for repeated handling. Due to the ecological considerations, they have a longer service life (normally 5 – 15 years) and according to sales it is possible to predict the quantity needed.

Ecological filling material

Skladon: balení křehkého zboží
Ikona balíček
Paper adhesive tape

The most common option for our clients to consider ecology is the use of ecological adhesive tape made from recycled paper. In addition, we are able to secure this at a volume discount from our suppliers. We use both blank and printed versions when packaging, taking into account the client’s brand strength.

Ikona vrstvy
Cardboard mats

We do not discard cardboard boxes that we internally assess as low quality. In our distribution center, we are equipped with a machine for the production of cardboard cuttings, which we then use as filler in suitable products of our clients. Of course, by mutual agreement and with the aim of reducing their costs or environmental impact.

Ikona polštář
Air cushions

As an alternative filling material, we use BIO airbags, which are made from biodegradable and compostable foil or recycled paper. They also have the advantage of being light in weight relative to their volume, which results in lower shipping costs. We are equipped internally with the appropriate equipment to blow up the cushions.

Ikona hedvábný papír
Wrinkled and wrapping paper

These variants of filling material are used by our clients in order to eliminate the classic bubble foil. They take advantage of the different strength characteristics of recycled paper in different directions. We also have the appropriate machines for the final production of these fillers.

ECO loose fill

Based on the requests of some of our clients, we are now also purchasing ECO loose fill from the supplier Skropak, which replaces the more common non-ecological FLO-PAK. This is a 100% biological and compostable fill that is made from plant-based ingredients. It can be disposed of by dissolving in water, contains no toxic substances and is child or pet friendly.

Ikona fólie
PBS and PLA foils

We use biodegradable stretch foils for some of our clients. Their advantage is their rapid decomposition (within weeks to months) into biomass, CO₂ and water. It is fully compostable, made from renewable resources such as sugar cane, maize or cassava.

More eco-friendly examples from the Skladon distribution center

Skladon fulfillment: skladování produktů
Ikona ocenění
Energy (in)performance of our storage

We are located in a modern class A industrial building. Our warehouse is thermally insulated and the roof has a high number of rooflights to ensure plenty of daylight, which prevents significant heat leakage. The heat sources are gas-fired infrared heaters, located mainly around the workstations. In winter we are able to keep the temperature stable in the range of 17 – 18 °C. We hold BREEAM sustainability certification at GOOD level and above.

Ikona hydraulický press
Hydraulic press

We do not dispose of excess, destroyed cardboard, but recycle it. In our distribution center, we are equipped with a hydraulic cardboard press, which we lease from a cardboard supplier for a long time. Our waste therefore does not end up in the public waste, but on the recycling line for further use.

Ikona fólie
Purchase of stretch foil

The used stretch foil is cleaned of any remaining adhesive tape, paper or excess plastic and then sorted by colour. We follow these agreed rules when working with a partner who buys our used stretch foil and then recycles it.

Ikona recyklace
Waste sorting and recycling

Consumables that we are not able to recycle ecologically are sorted into the containers provided. Among other things, we provide environmentally friendly disposal for our clients who sell products subject to strict disposal regulations.

Ikona nákladní vozidlo
Transport of shipments

Our clients can also use CO₂-neutral parcel services with our contracted carriers. The environmentally friendly products of companies such as DHL, UPS, DPD and others are audited annually for carbon footprint reduction by companies that ensure compliance with regulations and standards, or are included in approved environmental programs to offset emissions. We are able to offer these ECO products at a discount.

Ikona kapka
Rainwater storage tank

Each year we contribute higher hundreds of thousands of Czech crowns for the withdrawal of rainwater from our distribution center to the nearby rainwater retention basin. From there, the water is then drained into the groundwater.